Thursday, February 17, 2011

What I've been up to....

I'm now charging for portraits done! Want one drawn for you or for someone else? Simply click here for more information on contacting me and the pricing!

So why the sudden "side business"? Up until this semester, I generally had a lot of time on my hands. I love drawing for my friends and relatives and randomly surprising them with a drawing. If I could sit and draw for most of the day, I would. But that's not getting me anywhere in life. I've started college this semester, so along with taking 14 credits/being a full-time student and working a part-time job, there is not a lot of time for me to be drawing! Time is very precious, and recently my time spent drawing for others has felt like a waste. I would spend 6 hours on a drawing for a friend, pour my heart into it, and have them not care at all or even ask for a copy of the drawing. Nope, this isn't a "woe is me!" moment, it's simply my realization that I don't want to waste an entire Saturday for someone who is not going to appreciate my time and effort spent.

This hit me pretty hard when I was at a store making a copy of a drawing, and a mom walked by with her son and asked if I had drawn the drawing. She asked if I had a business card, and that totally took me by surprise. After getting all my information, she told me she wanted me to draw her son, and she was willing to pay a good amount.  
Huh! This got me thinking that maybe my drawings are worth a little bit more than the $5-10 price I had before. Quite honestly, I know I have talent...I acknowledge that fact, people have been trying to tell me that for years; I just always thought it was prideful for me to agree. It's still just hard for me to believe that my actual skill is worth the amount of money I'm asking for. I do know, however, that my effort is worth the money. I will work on a drawing for 2 hours straight, mess up, throw it away, and start all over again until it looks like the photo I'm drawing it from. Just some thoughts to catch everyone up on what I've been doing recently! Remember, God gave you a talent for a reason! Use it! =)