Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Transform furniture before throwing it out (On a budget)

This thing has been in my home since before I can remember. It has followed me from apartment to apartment since then proving to be a nice DVD and games holder. My mom did a nice paint job, but there was still the horrendous dinosaur wallpaper plastered on the inside from my sisters' dinosaur phase in elementary school. I decided that instead of finally donating it to Goodwill, it could be a nice storage for all my art supplies instead of the broken cardboard box shoved into my closet. 

The Original: 

 See? Told you it was awful =(

And here is the finished result:

Here's what I did:
1. I live in Arizona, so since this was stuck in the garage for the months of September-June, the paint had bubbled and melted. So I was able to just rip a lot of the paint off. I chose my favorite color, turquoise =) 
2. Spray painted the front with a dark turquoise to give it a unique look
3. Simply ripped all the wallpaper away
4. The door knobs took the most time, because I'm obsessed with door knobs =) I waited until the Hobby Lobby ones went to 50% off, but could only find one I really liked (the white). I then proceed to World Market where I found my other two. (Sidenote: I find all my bargains by constantly shopping. The yellow doorknob had just been marked from $6 to $1, it was awesome). I really wanted some adorable ones from Anthropologie, but only God knows when they will mark their prices down from $10 for a doorknob!!


And now it is the perfect storage for my art supplies and projects 

 All Done!!