Sunday, August 8, 2010


She's really fun to draw =) I did this one from her senior picture as a graduation present to her. It was done in colored pencil. I decided not to draw in the small branches.
This is the second one of Johnnie I just finished last week. The original picture was taken by my friend Scott; it didn't turn out exactly as I had hoped, but I like it way more than her senior picture I drew-the colors are more fun and I did better detailing on her eyes. Obviously I didn't do the same background, either. I left it white to put more focus on the colors in her eyes, hair, and in the soda can. This was done in colored pencil as well.

Since this is a zoomed up shot, I really wanted to get the eyes down...So, I started with a light layer of all the colors needed...lightly filled in a peach color around the eyes, and first drew the eyes with a tan pencil. Then I slowly went darker and added the darker shading & eyelashes with a dark brown. Just a little to the left of the pupil, I left room for the white of the glare.  I began filling in more bright red and orange strands of hair.
After alot of filling in & shading, this is her eye completely done!

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